The Joy of The Lord is my Strength!!


No matter your struggle you can remain joyful because you are never alone. God was with the Israelites wandering through the desert for forty years. He is with you in that same way when you are wandering around and feeling lost. It may be due to your lack of wisdom that you find yourself in trouble, or perhaps someone else is to blame, whatever the case may be, know and believe He walks with you as He walked with the Israelites. 

As a child were you ever separated from your parents? Lost in a store temporarily? Perhaps you wandered too far from them at a family gathering or while on visit to the park or zoo? Did you ever go on holiday with friends or other family members? Can you remember how it felt when you were found or came home and saw their faces again? The relief knowing everything was going to be OK, that you were safe!

As a teenager I remember coming to America, my first trip here from England, with one of my dads sisters. I was so looking forward to it. Unfortunately what started out as a fun holiday soon turned into one of my worst experiences ever. I wanted to come home. I desperately wanted the protection of my mum and dad. I called home and just the sound of their voices gave me the courage I needed, the strength and fortitude to stay. Just knowing that they were prepared to come to my rescue, my dad was going to send my mum to be with me, gave me a sense of well being. I knew that nothing could be done to harm me because of the covering and protection of my parents. It gave me a boldness to stick out the next week or so until I could get home. 

Gods protection and covering is even greater than that of my parents. That’s a reason to be filled with JOY! We are never, ever alone. We can rest in the knowledge he will sustain us and protect us. That he is with us through all our trials, troubles and traumas. He is right there with us in the middle of it all comforting us, holding our hand, wrapping his loving arms around us to protect, provide for us and guide us. Yes He is THAT good.

“God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 NIV

Coming home I felt relieved, excited to see my mum and dads welcoming beautiful faces, I felt safe back in the loving protective arms of my parents. I get this same feeling of comfort from my Heavenly Father! In the same way my parents, who were willing to travel half way around the world to come get me, and who have been there and helped me through a lot of struggles in my life, my God protected and saved ALL mankind by sending His Son from Haven to die for us. That is something to be grateful for, a reason to be full of JOY, a good time to shout hallelujah and Amen!

“For God so loved the world HE gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NKJ

Our God is more than a distant God residing on His throne watching what’s going on. He’s interactive. He’s a participant. He’s your helper. He’s your friend. He’s your parent. He’s with you always. He’s waiting, waiting for you to have a conversation with Him, pray a prayer to Him. This is all it takes for Him to act on your behalf in any situation. 

“The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Nehemiah 8:10 NKJ

Gods word shines like a beacon of hope in the struggle. Keep His word in your pocket to pull out in times of trouble, talk with Him as I did my earthly parents to get a boost of confidence, a word of encouragement, the promise of peace so you can enjoy life and keep being filled with the joy of the Lord. Keep His Word as your anchor.

We have this certain hope like a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into Gods inner sanctuary. Hebrews 6:19 TPT

God had given us a life full of blessings. Remember to enjoy them. Make the joy of the Lord your strength. 

Prayer: Father God your joy is my strength, thank you for protecting me and keeping your promises to me. I surrender control of my circumstances to you. Please show me the joy that comes from being close to you. Amen

“I will give thanks and praise the Lord, with all my heart; I will tell aloud all Your wonders and marvelous deeds. I will rejoice and exult in you; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.” Psalms‬ ‭9:1-2‬ ‭AMP‬‬


Seek God!


Open Your Eyes!